Bumblebee platform enables enterprise to manage networking, business and support contacts of their partners, suppliers and customers, all on the same platform. This helps speeds up business processes in procurement and in troubleshooting problems.
For example, an enterprise onboards a B2B application on Bumblebee platform and along with it their 60 partners who access the application using. In the past, the partner information is kept in separate places or not kept at all, leading to later IT staff not being to call up partner support when changes are needed. The prolonged time to make change or fix issues impacts business negatively.
Here are the steps to setup contacts.
Step 1. Create contacts
Login to the Bumblebee portal
Click Contacts on the left navigation menu
Click Create Contact
Fill in the information and click Save Contacts
Step 2. Assign contacts
Login to the Bumblebee portal
Click App Services or Endpoints on the left navigation menu
Select an item on the list page, click Actions -> Setup Contacts
Select a contact for Business Contacts and a contact for Technical Support. If you don't find the names, go to Step 1 to create Contacts and then come back to assign.
Step 3. View contacts
App Service owner
If you are an App Service owner, you can view all your Endpoints contact information.
Click the App Service at the App Services page
Click Endpoints tab on the bottom half page.
Select one Endpoint, click Actions -> Display Contacts. The contact information is the personal on the Endpoint side for you. If the information is empty, consider to escalate and urge the Endpoint side to comply. The contact information can save time when you need it later.